
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Another Year Older...

It's hard to believe that another year has gone by and I am a year older!  I thank the Lord for the wonderful family and friends He's given me, my supportive and loving husband, and two kids who make me feel like the luckiest mom alive.  While some days can be challenging as a stay-at-home-mom of two young and energetic kids, I try to always think of how blessed I am that I can spend my days watching Brody and Skylar grow up.  They inspire me to be a better mom, and Chris inspires me to be a better wife.  I am excited to see what lies ahead for the upcoming year.

In honor of my birthday, I wanted to do something party related, and since I am obsessed with dessert tables, I thought it would be fun to share some photos of beautiful and inspiring dessert tables.  Enjoy!

Source: Amy Atlas

Source: Hostess Blog


  1. Hope that your birthday was awesome! I've gotten a bit behind. Hopefully, Cheen told you for me. LOVE all of your creations. Thanks for sharing the pics. The kids are growing toooooo fast.

  2. Happy Birthday, Iris! Sounds like you guys are doing well. Hope Brody is enjoying Kindergarten. Landon seems to like it :-).
