
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Black Friday Sale and Cutest Baby of 2011 Contest

Remember Skylar's adorable Easter dress from earlier this year?  I was so excited to work with the wonderful team at to do that review and giveaway.  Well, now I am excited to share their big sale coming up after Thanksgiving.  Here is the scoop:

Black Friday Sale: You will get $10 off of your purchase of $50 or more plus FREE SHIPPING on every order!  Use the code: BLACKFRIDAY at checkout.

Cyber Monday Sale: You will get 15% off of your purchase of $50 or more plus FREE SHIPPING on every order!  Use the code: CYBERMONDAY at checkout.

Click HERE to go to

 They are also having the Cutest Baby of 2011 Contest going on right now.  You can enter your child up to the age of 4 into the contest.  Get your child, neices and nephews, grandchildren, and even friends entered!  The winner will win a $150 gift certificate to use at  The baby contest is only open to US residents, however, anyone can vote!  Click HERE to enter.

Good Luck!

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