
Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Gingerbread House and Christmas Baking

Christmas in just around the corner.  We decided to make a gingerbread house this year and I realized that making a gingerbread house is a lot harder than it looks.  I also didn't know that it took so long for the icing to dry before the kids could put candies on it, so this ended up being a 2-day project.  But it's definitely worth it and a lot of fun.

Here's Brody and Skylar sorting through the candies BEFORE eating any, they were very excited!

And here are the kids AFTER eating a bunch of the candy...

In the end, the whole family was happy with our cute little gingerbread house.

The kids and I also did some baking for goodies to give to our neighbors and Chris' office party, so I figured I would share those photos too.  Here are my little bakers...


I hope you are having a "sweet" time preparing for Christmas!

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